Silicon Valley


Emplacement : smb://VLAD-SERVEUR/VIDEO/Silicon Valley/
Genre : Comedy / Drama
Année de production : 2014
Saison(s) : 6
Note : 9/10

Information thetvdb : 277165


Dans la Silicon Valley d'aujourd'hui, les personnes les plus qualifiées pour réussir ne sont pas forcément celles les plus qualifiées pour savoir comment le gérer...


Silicon Valley - 101 - Produit minimum viable.mp4
Silicon Valley - 102 - La table de capitalisation.mp4
Silicon Valley - 103 - Statuts constitutifs.mp4
Silicon Valley - 104 - Obligations fiduciaires.mp4
Silicon Valley - 105 - Indicateur de risque.mp4
Silicon Valley - 106 - Internalisation par un tiers.mp4
Silicon Valley - 107 - Preuve de concept.mp4
Silicon Valley - 108 - Efficacité optimale.mp4


Silicon Valley - 201 - Sand Hill Shuffle.mp4
Silicon Valley - 202 - Runaway Devaluation.mp4
Silicon Valley - 203 - Bad Money.mp4
Silicon Valley - 204 - The Lady.mp4
Silicon Valley - 205 - Server Space.mp4
Silicon Valley - 206 - Homicide.mp4
Silicon Valley - 207 - Adult Content.mp4
Silicon Valley - 208 - White Hat Black Hat.mp4
Silicon Valley - 209 - Binding Arbitration.mp4
Silicon Valley - 210 - Two Days of the Condor.mp4


Silicon Valley - 301 - Founder Friendly.mp4
Silicon Valley - 302 - Two in the Box.mp4
Silicon Valley - 303 - Meinertzhagen's Haversack.mp4
Silicon Valley - 304 - Maleant Data Systems Solutions.mp4
Silicon Valley - 305 - The Empty Chair.mkv
Silicon Valley - 306 - Bachmanity Insanity.mp4
Silicon Valley - 307 - To Build a Better Beta.mkv
Silicon Valley - 308 - Bachman's Earning's Over-Ride.mp4
Silicon Valley - 309 - Daily Active Users.mkv
Silicon Valley - 310 - The Uptick.mp4


Silicon Valley - 401 - Success Failure.mkv
Silicon Valley - 402 - Terms of Service.mp4
Silicon Valley - 403 - Intellectual Property.mkv
Silicon Valley - 404 - Teambuilding Exercise.mkv
Silicon Valley - 405 - The Blood Boy.mkv
Silicon Valley - 406 - Customer Service.mp4
Silicon Valley - 407 - The Patent Troll.mkv
Silicon Valley - 408 - The Keenan Vortex.mp4
Silicon Valley - 409 - Hooli-Con.mkv
Silicon Valley - 410 - Server Error.mkv


Silicon Valley - 501 - Grow Fast or Die Slow.mkv
Silicon Valley - 502 - Reorientation.mkv
Silicon Valley - 503 - Chief Operating Officer.mkv
Silicon Valley - 504 - Tech Evangelist.mkv
Silicon Valley - 505 - Facial Recognition.mkv
Silicon Valley - 506 - Artificial Emotional Intelligence.mkv
Silicon Valley - 507 - Initial Coin Offering.mkv
Silicon Valley - 508 - Fifty-One Percent.mkv


Silicon Valley - 601 - Artificial Lack of Intelligence.mkv
Silicon Valley - 602 - Blood Money.mkv
Silicon Valley - 603 - Hooli Smokes!.mkv
Silicon Valley - 604 - Maximizing Alphaness.mkv
Silicon Valley - 605 - Tethics.mkv
Silicon Valley - 606 - Russfest.mkv
Silicon Valley - 607 - Liquidation.mkv